Spiritual Armor: Breastplate of Righteousness

Truth Bomb: You do not have authority over the enemy in areas where he has authority and influence in you!

—“and having put on the breastplate of righteousness” (Ephesians 6:14b).
Often when we think about the breastplate of righteousness, we immediately think about the practice of godliness and living a righteous life. But what if taking up the breastplate of righteousness is a more systemic reality than our mere outward behavior? I want to propose that the breastplate (which protects all vital organs) begins with the affirmation that we have been clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Himself—that is the ultimate protection. We don’t stand before the Father in our own goodness or merit—we stand before Him in the righteous garments of Christ (2 Cor 5:20). Theologians call this imputed righteousness. 

Check out this video on what it means to put on the breastplate of Christ's righteousness! Then, read the takeaways below.



True godliness (in practice) flows from an inward connection to the position of righteousness of Jesus that has been assigned to us! 
It is not enough to merely affirm doctrinal truths, we have to be connected to them at a spiritual level. Often this involves taking a spiritual inventory to identify any areas where we are living not in the righteousness of Christ but in our own self-righteousness. 
Self-righteousness can manifest in two ways: aggressive and passive.
The aggressive expression of self-righteousness is expressed in criticalness of others, living offended with others and operating with an elitist attitude toward others. The passive expression of self-righteousness is expressed in things like the inner voice of shame, condemnation and insecurity and directed at self.
When we operate in criticism, offense and elitism we are actively participating in the evil one’s accusation against others. When we operate in shame, condemnation and insecurity, we are actively participating in the evil one’s accusations against us. Both practices make us vulnerable to the evil one’s influence.
You do not have authority over the enemy in areas where he has authority and influence in you!
Repentance can realign us to Christ’s righteousness. When we realign to His righteousness, we realign to His authority and we stand protected from the assault of the evil one.
So then, take up the breastplate of Christ’s righteousness!